Please join Witchcraft & Wellness in Welcoming our new “Official Kitchen Witch” – Kolika Elle Kirk from Westwood Hills, KS

Greetings Witchcraft and Wellness Family,

Kolika Elle Kirk

Kolika Elle Kirk

I first met the very charming Kolika Elle Kirk many years ago in Los Angeles. This vivacious young woman was a very visible part of the Los Angeles Pagan Community. At the time I was very popular for hosting rather exciting private parties at my home in Midway City, CA which earned me the moniker “The Gatsby of Goth” from the Los Angeles Times.  Through my sons Thom and Alyn, I was introduced to some of the most talented young pagans in the community. Some of them became my students. Some of them became my friends. And I’m proud to say that some of them matured into some very,very fine adults who contribute their skills and support to our community both professionally and personally. Kolika is someone who I have watched grow into a very educated, cultured, philanthropic young adult.  Today, she is an “out of the broom closet” practicing pagan who is openly a witch in the highly competitive culinary industry.

After leaving Los Angeles, Kolika relocated to Arizona, but later dropped out of culinary school six months before graduating to help her mother, who was fighting ovarian cancer. With Kolika’s support and loving care, her mom refused chemotherapy and became a vegan. Kolika created a special diet for her that was tasty AND healing. She has been cancer-free for 3 years now and is studying to become a Homeopathic Doctor and Master Herbalist. ( spaghetti and vegetables Kolika’s personal sacrifice, talent and expertise make her the perfect addition to the Witchcraft and Wellness team. Our High Priestess Mary Caldwell, who has joined the Obesity Action Coalition as an advocate, is looking forward to working with Kolika in spreading awareness, education and empowerment, through our coven, events, social media, blogs and press.

Kolika_1Kolika studied “savory” in school, but switched to “pastry” two years ago. She is also a self-taught pastry chef. Kolika is very involved with the ACF(American Culinary Federation) chapter in Kansas City. She blogs regularly on (her own blog) and has written for as the Kansas City Food Examiner. She has written a few articles for that received recognition(Sonoran hot dogs, spinach salad). And she is currently blogging “Culinary School,’ which we are delighted to re-blog and repost for her. We know that many of you will be thrilled to learn that she specializes in gluten-free celiac-friendly desserts and foods.

gpsPlease stay tuned for an event program that we are creating for the first annual GATHERING OF PAGAN SOULS at Eighty Acres Farm located at 28013 167th St, Leavenworth, KS 66048 beginning on Thursday May 21, 2015.

Blessed BE!


Manifesting Health and Longevity : Q & A with Wiccan Elder, Edward Fitch

Witchcraft and Wellness: Why are health and longevity so important to YOU?

Ed Fitch: According to the National Institute on Aging,

“As life expectancy in the United States continues to rise, the maintenance of physical independence among older Americans has emerged as a major clinical and public health priority.”


Ed Fitch and his son, Thom.

I’m, in my 70’s and while so many of my peers are suffering from severe chronic illnesses, I’ve managed to stay healthy. I regularly enjoy going on trips around the world to explore exotic locales with my family. This is one of the joys of my life. I thank the Gods that I can still keep up with my 2 sons. The recent deaths of so many of my friends from diseases that could have been prevented with diet and exercises has inspired me to speak out.

Witchcraft and Wellness: How do you manage to keep so fit?

Ed Fitch:  Much of being “in condition” is in the mind. I make a supreme effort to enjoy my life.  I plan trips, stay active, eat right and try to have as much fun as possible. For me, every day is a gift.

Ed Fitch in New Orleans 2011.

Ed Fitch in New Orleans 2011.

And every time the Gods bless me with joy and fun;  I remember so many of my friends and peers who have literally “given up” and surrendered to canes, or staying inside, away from Nature where we belong … and it makes me sad. I keep fit mainly because I’ve conditioned myself to think, feel and behave like a fit person … without considering my age … without allowing my mind to convince me otherwise.

Witchcraft and Wellness:  You’ve already shared your morning exercise routine. Do you have routine to keep yourself motivated and on track?


The LA Times “Gatsby of Goth” – Edward Fitch.

Ed Fitch:  (laughing) Well, I confess that I do throw a lot of parties. I enjoy entertaining. And yes, I’ve been known to have an extensive costume wardrobe which is at my disposal for events, parties and an occasional evening out. I feel young and healthy, so I behave that way. And from all reports, I wear it well. But it’s all attitude my dear, that and good nutrition … and “mind control.”

The most relevant contribution that I can make to the Pagan Community right now is to teach my students, my peers, my friends, everyone really … how to apply the magickal practice of “mind over matter” especially when they are discouraged, depressed or unmotivated to exercise, count calories, use herbs and organic foods, etc … in order to maintain these bodies that the Gods gave us.

We are magickal people you know. It really shouldn’t be that difficult to make health and fitness fun and magickal, instead of tedious, boring and even daunting.  In my experience your magick is only as strong as you are.

Witchcraft and Wellness:  Is there a magickal formula for Health and Longevity?

Ed Fitch:  Hmmm … let me check in my fitness “grimoire” … There are many magickal things that we can do to stay fit in mind, body AND spirit. Here is an example of an effective mental conditioning to build and improve yourself while exercising.

file8991282229900One should always be involved in some sort of exercise and physical improvement regimen. Not only is this excellent for the body, but it provides the basic routine around which a personal “longevity imagery” can be built, and have effects which go well beyond improving your physical condition.

Process:  Set up at least a 15-20 minute session of walking, jogging, or running (depending on your own personal capabilities and limitations), three or more times a week. Pace your breathing to be regular, timed with the paces you take, and work your mental imagery in with your breathing.

With each breath out: Visualize that a transparent cocoon is rippling down from your head to file0001135121734your feet, pressing all weakness, impurities, and potential illnesses out of your body, cleansing every cell, and pushing all this dross into the Earth, where it will be metabolized by the physical/magickal environment.

With each breath in: Visualize that an extremely fine, blue-white “comb” of Life Force ripples in from around you, through every cell of your body, from the top of your head on down through your entire body. Picture in your mind (as clearly as possible) that his blue-white “comb” realigns every DNA spiral in every cell nucleus in your body, smoothing and realigning all DNA and cellular structure to that which you had at your prime physical age…perhaps 25 years or so.

This visualization should be performed when exercising or when walking, regularly and frequently. It must become second nature, and imbedded deeply into your subconscious

Performing these or similar rejuvenation exercises frequently and regularly is a key part of building confidence and a more and more improved image of yourself. And that which you firmly image will, definitely work to make you BE younger.

Morning Exercise Routine – by Edward Fitch

I try to do this sequence just about every morning, moving immediately from one exercise into the next. The whole routine may take 10 to 15 minutes, and is extremely invigorating, especially for someone like me who is in his 70s! You might want to do this with some cheerful, invigorating music, if it’s not going to bother other members of the family.



1. PUSHUPS – Try for at least 10, or more until you get that “burning” sensation in your muscles. It’s permissible to do this with your knees down on the floor or carpet, if the “Plank” position (on hands and toes with your body rigid) is too taxing. ( If you are a really ambitious Chuck Norris fan, do this one on your fists!)

2. LEG LIFTS – Try for 10, 20, or 50, or whatever you can manage, until you get that “burning” sensation in the muscles of that side. Then roll over and lift your other leg the same number of repetitions.

3. SITUPS – Hook your feet under the bed or a table and bend upwards from the hip for this one, or at the very least put your hands behind your head and lift your shoulders as high as you can for each repetition. Start with 10 repetitions or more, or until you get that “burning” sensation in your abdomen muscles. Then slowly increase the repetitions on following days.

4. LEG LIFTS – This one is a favorite with football coaches everywhere, but it’s not really too difficult. With you hands underneath your butt, lift both legs up, then spread them out, then back together, then lower to just above the floor, spread your legs out, and then back together. Start with 10 repetitions or more, or until you get that “burning” sensation in your abdomen muscles.

5. SQUATS- With your arms out front for balance, lower down to balance on your toes, then rise to a standing position. Repeat, balancing yourself against a bedpost, some furniture, or the wall if you need. Try for 10 or 12 repetitions, or as much as your leg muscles can manage. As we get older the leg muscles tend to get weaker and one’s balance can get to be less certain, so this kind of exercise becomes more and more important!

Then finish dressing, and reward yourself with a good, healthy breakfast.

(Off topic, but interesting: If possible, try to go for a walk of a mile each day … some of my Russian ancestors swore that this was their key to living to the 90 to 100-year mark.)


Planet claimThe greatest advance in human history is now just a few years … or at most a couple decades … away. Quite probably using ultra-small nanotech devices that are now under development by firms in Silicon Valley (and possibly in other locales as well); we are looking at cures for heart disease, cancer, aids… and even death itself! Why? Because the youthful presidents of those most forward-looking companies want … like the rest of us … to live a long, long time. And they have the most advanced technology in history at their disposal.

As such technology becomes available the world’s population will grow more and more rapidly. Colonization beyond Earth will become a MUST. Travel within the solar system is now more and more feasible, thanks to the ongoing development of more and more economical ways of going into space …and other non-publicized approaches that I have seen in laboratories and in secret government briefings. NASA has been developing theory for a “warp drive” inspired by the TV series “Star Trek”. As a physicist I find their studies to be interesting and quite valid.

And what of us who are not on the cutting edge of technology? For the present it’s up to us to be ready for the radical changes that are soon to come. Read and study to develop your mind as broadly and deeply as humanly possible …and more! Above all, keep your health at its best by healthy living, proper diet, and avoiding hazardous life choices. And destructive life styles that would inevitably lead to high blood pressure, dangerous cholesterol levels, bad kidneys, and smokers’ cancer. All that, inevitably, would kill us early!

Of course there will be some rough and dangerous times in all that is about to come. We’ll individually and singularly have to work our way through them. (Our Government might help …but don’t depend on it/them!)

I for one would enjoy the adventures that would come of living for centuries with a rejuvenated body remaining as if in its thirties, of traveling to distant worlds and far, far beyond all horizons!

The future is upon us … being ready!